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The 'best' way to run DokuWiki in Docker

Introduction I’ve been trying to get my homelab applications moved from running on VM/LXC to Docker. There’s nothing wrong with VMs or LXC containers, but I’m trying to manage fewer servers and “snowflakes” (even though I do my installs with Ansible). The application that started my homelab journey was DokuWiki. It’s a self-hosted wiki, written in PHP, that requires no database. You write in a Markdown-like syntax (not Markdown) and your data is stored in plain TXT files on the filesystem. DokuWiki, however, is not 100% straightforward to Dockerize. ...

2022-03-31 · 3 min · 627 words · Logan Marchione
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Kubernetes GUIs

Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on my journey into K3s. Check them all out! Date URL Part 2022-12-07 K3s cluster updates Updates to the cluster build 2022-03-29 Kubernetes GUIs Exploring Kubernetes GUIs 2022-03-11 K3s single-node cluster for noobs Deploying K3s Introduction In my last post, I setup a K3s single-node cluster and an example application. While everything was done through the command-line, as a noob, it’s nice to have a graphical user interface (GUI) of some kind. I’m not a fan of ClickOps, but it’s convenient to have a GUI to be able to quickly view status, instead of hunting for the right kubectl command. ...

2022-03-29 · 4 min · 822 words · Logan Marchione
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K3s single-node cluster for noobs

Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on my journey into K3s. Check them all out! Date URL Part 2022-12-07 K3s cluster updates Updates to the cluster build 2022-03-29 Kubernetes GUIs Exploring Kubernetes GUIs 2022-03-11 K3s single-node cluster for noobs Deploying K3s Introduction I’m starting a new job in the next few days that will require me to learn Kubernetes (often stylized as k8s). This post is not about what k8s is or why you want it (you can read about that here). My only objective for now is to have a single-node k8s cluster running in my homelab. ...

2022-03-11 · 6 min · 1236 words · Logan Marchione
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Deploying Hugo with Netlify

Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on deploying Hugo. Check them all out! Date URL Part 2023-11-08 Deploying Hugo with CloudFront and S3 (for real this time) Deploying Hugo with CloudFront and S3 (for real this time) 2022-02-08 Deploying Hugo with Netlify Deploying on Netlify 2021-10-13 Deploying Hugo with CloudFront and S3 Deploying on CloudFront and S3 2021-09-21 Deploying Hugo with AWS Amplify Deploying on Amplify Introduction In my last post, I was testing the deployment of Hugo with CloudFront and S3. My main complaints came from the complicated Terraform setup and the lack of easy redirects. Since Amplify and CloudFront+S3 are the only AWS-based offerings, I decided to check out alternatives outside of the AWS umbrella. ...

2022-02-08 · 3 min · 604 words · Logan Marchione
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Deploying Hugo with CloudFront and S3

Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on deploying Hugo. Check them all out! Date URL Part 2023-11-08 Deploying Hugo with CloudFront and S3 (for real this time) Deploying Hugo with CloudFront and S3 (for real this time) 2022-02-08 Deploying Hugo with Netlify Deploying on Netlify 2021-10-13 Deploying Hugo with CloudFront and S3 Deploying on CloudFront and S3 2021-09-21 Deploying Hugo with AWS Amplify Deploying on Amplify Introduction In my last post, I was testing the deployment of Hugo with AWS Amplify. My only complaint was that Amplify doesn’t support IPv6. Because of this, I wanted to explore other deployment options under the AWS umbrella. ...

2021-10-13 · 3 min · 560 words · Logan Marchione
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Deploying Hugo with AWS Amplify

Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on deploying Hugo. Check them all out! Date URL Part 2023-11-08 Deploying Hugo with CloudFront and S3 (for real this time) Deploying Hugo with CloudFront and S3 (for real this time) 2022-02-08 Deploying Hugo with Netlify Deploying on Netlify 2021-10-13 Deploying Hugo with CloudFront and S3 Deploying on CloudFront and S3 2021-09-21 Deploying Hugo with AWS Amplify Deploying on Amplify Introduction Since I migrated from WordPress to Hugo, I’ve dropped the need to run PHP and MySQL on my server. This means my server is now only running Nginx, serving up static HTML/CSS/JS files. For a simple site like mine, even a VPS running Nginx is overkill. This site doesn’t need to be hosted on a VPS, it could be hosted in the cloud, or completely on a CDN. ...

2021-09-21 · 5 min · 934 words · Logan Marchione
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Raspi-config's mostly undocumented non-interactive mode

Introduction If you’ve ever used a Raspberry Pi, you’ve probably used the raspi-config configuration tool. This text-based user interface (TUI) is great for changing 99% of basic settings on the Raspberry Pi, such as the hostname, WiFi country, locale, memory split, etc… However, if you’re managing a fleet of Raspberry Pi devices, or just really like configuration management tools, you’re probably looking for a way to automate setting these items from the command line. I’m not sure how I’ve never come across this, but I just learned that raspi-config has a mostly undocumented non-interactive mode that will do precisely that. ...

2021-07-22 · 3 min · 625 words · Logan Marchione
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ASRock DeskMini H470 as a compact hypervisor

Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on the DeskMini H470 as a hypervisor. Check them all out! Date URL Part 2022-09-07 Adding a ZFS mirror to Proxmox Add a ZFS mirror to Proxmox 2022-09-02 Adding data center SSDs to the DeskMini H470 Add 2x Intel D3-S4510 to the DeskMini H470 2021-06-23 ASRock DeskMini H470 as a compact hypervisor Initial post about DeskMini H470 Introduction My hypervisor since 2017 has been an Intel NUC7i3BNH. It has a 2c/4t 15W laptop CPU (Core i3-7100U), with 2x 16GB Crucial DDR4, and a 512GB Samsung 860 Pro. While it served me well over these years, I’ve outgrown the CPU and cooling solution. ...

2021-06-23 · 8 min · 1642 words · Logan Marchione
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Analytics with Hugo

Introduction When I was running WordPress, I was using Matomo (formerly Piwik) for analytics. This solution worked for me, but was more complicated than I needed, and I didn’t make use of 99% of the features. It also required PHP and MySQL/MariaDB, which were not installed on the new server hosting my Hugo-based blog. Because of this, I wanted to switch to a simpler analytics solution. Self-hosted vs SaaS For a long time, I’ve hosted a Matomo instance on my server and proudly stated in my privacy policy: ...

2021-03-01 · 3 min · 522 words · Logan Marchione
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Migrating from WordPress to Hugo

Introduction Hopefully this page is coming at you blazing fast, and with a new look! If so, you’re seeing my static site generated by Hugo. Here’s some high-level thoughts about the migration from WordPress, which I’ve been using since 2014, to Hugo. Why I’m switching You can Google “wordpress to hugo” and read 1000 posts about why people make the switch. Here are my reasons: Security WordPress is written in PHP, which has an unfairly bad reputation. I think the WordPress core codebase is actually pretty good. If you’re running a vanilla blog with no plugins or custom themes, you’re probably safe enough (as long as you turn on auto-update). ...

2021-02-19 · 4 min · 817 words · Logan Marchione
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