
This policy is subject to change without notice and was last updated on 2023-05-01.

Who I am

This is my personal site, the address is

My opinions are my own, and do not reflect those of any current or previous employers, groups, or organizations.

What personal data I collect and why I collect it

I use your information only for providing and improving this site.


As-of 2021-03-01, I use Plausible for analytics. Information about Plausible’s privacy features are located here. Visitors to my site should be aware of a few things:

  • I only use your information to determine what posts are more popular, what day/time is best to post, how long you stay on my site, etc…
  • Plausible collects minimal data by design. They only collect:
    • Page URL
    • HTTP Referer
    • Browser (derived from the User-Agent HTTP header)
    • Operating system (derived from the User-Agent HTTP header)
    • Device type
    • Visitor Country (after the geolocation lookup is completed, your IP is discarded and is never stored in their database or logs)
  • Plausible uses JavaScript for the tracking tag. Because of this, you can use uBlock Origin, NoScript, or Ghostery to block JavaScript on my site (this might make some pages display/behave in unintended ways).
  • Plausible is open source with their code available on GitHub.


If there’s anything else you’d like to know about how I use your information or the security of this site, please contact me.
