Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite. Check them all out!

Date URL Part
2019-06-28 Migrating away from the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite Migrated to a Netgate SG-1100
2019-02-03 EdgeRouter CNAME records Setup CNAME records
2017-10-03 Dyn DDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DynDNS
2017-04-25 DuckDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DuckDNS
2017-01-08 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter serial console settings Serial console settings
2016-11-29 Ubiquiti UniFi controller setup on Raspberry Pi 3 Install UniFi Controller
2016-08-30 EdgeRouter Lite Dnsmasq setup Setup dnsmasq
2016-06-13 EdgeRouter Lite software upgrade Firmware upgrade
2016-05-12 EdgeRouter Lite OpenVPN setup OpenVPN server setup
2016-04-29 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite setup Initial setup


I’ve been using Dyn for my dynamic DNS for years. However, after the 2016 Dyn DDoS, I’ve decided to add a second dynamic DNS service provider, in case Dyn goes down again.

Choosing a provider

Some dynamic DNS service providers might offer more update methods or tutorials, but that’s where the differences end. Unless you’re a large client or have a very custom setup, the largest factor between providers is price. Dyn starts at $7/month, but I’m grandfathered into a $40/year plan.

For my second provider, I’ve chosen DuckDNS. DuckDNS was started by a redditor, they are pretty transparent, and best of all, the service is free. I’d still donate to them because I’d prefer to pay a couple of guys running a good service, rather than a corporation.

DuckDNS setup

Web setup

Head over to the DuckDNS website and setup an account. Interestingly, DuckDNS only offers oAuth logins (e.g., through Google, Facebook, Reddit, etc…). This is so they don’t have to worry about storing usernames/passwords themselves and can leave it to the professionals.

Next, enter your domain in the box and click Add domain. If the domain is available, it will be registered to your account. While you’re on this same screen, make note of your account token.

Router setup

EdgeOS only supports a handful of pre-configured DNS service providers by default (shown below).

ubnt@erl# set service dns dynamic interface eth0 service
afraid       dslreports   easydns      noip         zoneedit
dnspark      dyndns       namecheap    sitelutions

To use DuckDNS, we need to setup a custom service provider. Substitute your interface, hostname, and password as needed.

set service dns dynamic interface eth0 service custom-duckdns
set service dns dynamic interface eth0 service custom-duckdns host-name loganmarchione
set service dns dynamic interface eth0 service custom-duckdns login nouser
set service dns dynamic interface eth0 service custom-duckdns password your-token-here
set service dns dynamic interface eth0 service custom-duckdns protocol dyndns2
set service dns dynamic interface eth0 service custom-duckdns server www.duckdns.org

A couple notes on the options:

  • the hostname is the prefix to your domain (e.g., loganmarchione.duckdns.org)
  • the username is nouser (don’t use your account name)
  • the password is your account token (that long string of numbers/letters)

Verify setup

Trigger a manual update. EdgeOS will only update the dynamic DNS provider when your IP address actually changes.

update dns dynamic interface eth0

You can show the status with the command below.

show dns dynamic status

Here, you can see the successful update.

interface    : eth0
ip address   : XX.XX.XX.XX
host-name    : loganmarchione
last update  : Tue Apr 25 22:13:09 2017
update-status: good

SSL settings

Also, just so you know, EdgeOS uses ddclient for the dynamic DNS updates. The configuration file is located at /etc/ddclient.conf, but there is a directory at /etc/ddclient with a configuration file for each interface. By default, ddclient is setup to use SSL, as shown below.

root@erl:~# grep ssl /etc/ddclient/ddclient_eth*.conf

Hope this helps!



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