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Migrating away from the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite

Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite. Check them all out! Date URL Part 2019-06-28 Migrating away from the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite Migrated to a Netgate SG-1100 2019-02-03 EdgeRouter CNAME records Setup CNAME records 2017-10-03 Dyn DDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DynDNS 2017-04-25 DuckDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DuckDNS 2017-01-08 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter serial console settings Serial console settings 2016-11-29 Ubiquiti UniFi controller setup on Raspberry Pi 3 Install UniFi Controller 2016-08-30 EdgeRouter Lite Dnsmasq setup Setup dnsmasq 2016-06-13 EdgeRouter Lite software upgrade Firmware upgrade 2016-05-12 EdgeRouter Lite OpenVPN setup OpenVPN server setup 2016-04-29 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite setup Initial setup Introduction For years, I’ve been using and loving my Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite. For about $100, you’re not going to find a router with more features. In fact, most of Ubiquiti’s offerings are a very good value for the money. However, in the past year or so, Ubiquiti has seemed to have some issues with what direction they want to take as a company: ...

2019-06-28 · 7 min · 1450 words · Logan Marchione
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EdgeRouter CNAME records

Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite. Check them all out! Date URL Part 2019-06-28 Migrating away from the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite Migrated to a Netgate SG-1100 2019-02-03 EdgeRouter CNAME records Setup CNAME records 2017-10-03 Dyn DDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DynDNS 2017-04-25 DuckDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DuckDNS 2017-01-08 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter serial console settings Serial console settings 2016-11-29 Ubiquiti UniFi controller setup on Raspberry Pi 3 Install UniFi Controller 2016-08-30 EdgeRouter Lite Dnsmasq setup Setup dnsmasq 2016-06-13 EdgeRouter Lite software upgrade Firmware upgrade 2016-05-12 EdgeRouter Lite OpenVPN setup OpenVPN server setup 2016-04-29 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite setup Initial setup Introduction What is a CNAME record? A canonical name (CNAME) record is a special type of DNS record that points one domain name to another. ...

2019-02-03 · 3 min · 496 words · Logan Marchione
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Rclone on ODROID-HC2

Introduction In my last post, I talked about setting up an ODROID-HC2 as a NAS using OpenMediaVault. I have that up and running, and I’ve also written a few scripts to backup my data to a few of the SMB shares. Now, I need to get that data shipped offsite to an external location to cover my 3-2-1 backup strategy: 3 backups 2 different types of media 1 backup offsite Software My cloud storage provider of choice is B2. I’ve written about them in the past and have generally had good luck with them, so I’d like to keep using them. ...

2018-06-18 · 6 min · 1165 words · Logan Marchione
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ODROID-HC2 as an entry-level NAS

Introduction I’ve been doing some work on my homelab that I haven’t documented here. I recently decommissioned my Raspberry Pi 3 that was running my Unifi controller, Dokuwiki, and Network UPS Tools (NUT). I replaced the RPi3 with an Intel i3 NUC with 12GB RAM and a Crucial 2.5" SSD. I chose to use Proxmox as the hypervisor on the NUC because it is open source, has a well-proven record, and has a low learning curve. At the time of this writing, I’m running five KVM virtual machines: ...

2018-06-13 · 11 min · 2303 words · Logan Marchione
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Celebrating 1000 comments by giving away a Raspberry Pi 3!

Winners An update: Comments are locked as-of 12:05pm Eastern time. I received 363 comments, but 4 were mine, so 359 comments gives you a 1-in-359 chance of winning (.27%). Congrats to the two winners, Dan and Michael! I’ll be emailing you shortly! -Logan Introduction Since 2014, I’ve been blogging about security, open source, Linux, and routers. Since then, I’ve hit the 1000 comment mark (although technically, some comments are my own replies to your comments). To thank my readers, I’m giving away two Raspberry Pi 3 Complete Starter Kit (32 GB Edition) by CanaKit. ...

2017-12-05 · 4 min · 698 words · Logan Marchione
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Dyn DDNS on EdgeRouter

Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite. Check them all out! Date URL Part 2019-06-28 Migrating away from the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite Migrated to a Netgate SG-1100 2019-02-03 EdgeRouter CNAME records Setup CNAME records 2017-10-03 Dyn DDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DynDNS 2017-04-25 DuckDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DuckDNS 2017-01-08 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter serial console settings Serial console settings 2016-11-29 Ubiquiti UniFi controller setup on Raspberry Pi 3 Install UniFi Controller 2016-08-30 EdgeRouter Lite Dnsmasq setup Setup dnsmasq 2016-06-13 EdgeRouter Lite software upgrade Firmware upgrade 2016-05-12 EdgeRouter Lite OpenVPN setup OpenVPN server setup 2016-04-29 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite setup Initial setup Introduction In the past, I’ve posted about my DuckDNS dynamic DNS settings, and mentioned I use Dyn as well. My Dyn setup is documented below. ...

2017-10-03 · 3 min · 474 words · Logan Marchione
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Backblaze B2 backup setup

Introduction Recently, I’ve been thinking more and more about backups for my small (but growing) homelab. The golden rule is to follow the 3-2-1 method for backups: 3 backups 2 different types of media 1 backup offsite Current setup Currently, I keep an encrypted external HDD at home and another at work. Every couple weeks, I perform a backup to both and rotate the drives (this covers a 2-1-1 backup). ...

2017-07-06 · 4 min · 808 words · Logan Marchione
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DuckDNS on EdgeRouter

Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite. Check them all out! Date URL Part 2019-06-28 Migrating away from the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite Migrated to a Netgate SG-1100 2019-02-03 EdgeRouter CNAME records Setup CNAME records 2017-10-03 Dyn DDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DynDNS 2017-04-25 DuckDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DuckDNS 2017-01-08 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter serial console settings Serial console settings 2016-11-29 Ubiquiti UniFi controller setup on Raspberry Pi 3 Install UniFi Controller 2016-08-30 EdgeRouter Lite Dnsmasq setup Setup dnsmasq 2016-06-13 EdgeRouter Lite software upgrade Firmware upgrade 2016-05-12 EdgeRouter Lite OpenVPN setup OpenVPN server setup 2016-04-29 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite setup Initial setup Introduction I’ve been using Dyn for my dynamic DNS for years. However, after the 2016 Dyn DDoS, I’ve decided to add a second dynamic DNS service provider, in case Dyn goes down again. ...

2017-04-25 · 3 min · 589 words · Logan Marchione
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Raspberry Pi UPS monitor (with Nginx web monitoring)

Introduction With the winter weather, we’ve been having brownouts and power losses more frequently. I wanted to purchase a UPS to protect my equipment from this, but I also wanted to receive alerts when the power goes out, and possibly shutdown equipment. For this, I need an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and a computer to monitor it with. Hardware As you guessed by now, I’m going to be using my Raspberry Pi to monitor the UPS. I’m using the Raspberry Pi because it is a low power device, it is always on (hosting a webserver, Unifi controller, and a few other things), and can be run off the UPS it is monitoring. ...

2017-02-24 · 10 min · 1989 words · Logan Marchione
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Ubiquiti EdgeRouter serial console settings

Hey! Listen! This post is part of a series on the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite. Check them all out! Date URL Part 2019-06-28 Migrating away from the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite Migrated to a Netgate SG-1100 2019-02-03 EdgeRouter CNAME records Setup CNAME records 2017-10-03 Dyn DDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DynDNS 2017-04-25 DuckDNS on EdgeRouter Setup DuckDNS 2017-01-08 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter serial console settings Serial console settings 2016-11-29 Ubiquiti UniFi controller setup on Raspberry Pi 3 Install UniFi Controller 2016-08-30 EdgeRouter Lite Dnsmasq setup Setup dnsmasq 2016-06-13 EdgeRouter Lite software upgrade Firmware upgrade 2016-05-12 EdgeRouter Lite OpenVPN setup OpenVPN server setup 2016-04-29 Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite setup Initial setup Introduction I’m planning on upgrading my EdgeRouter Lite (ERL) to the newly-released v1.9.1 (I’m following my upgrade guide). This time, I’m using a serial cable to connect to my ERL. This is the first time I’ve used serial, so I’m going to document the process. ...

2017-01-08 · 3 min · 586 words · Logan Marchione
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