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UPDATE: Dropping Dropbox

In March, I cancelled my subscription to Dropbox over privacy concerns. Seems like that was a good idea. Dropbox just announced that they’re adding Dr. Condoleezza Rice to their Board of Directors. I don’t have to tell you why this is a terrible idea. See the official petition here, and my letter to Dropbox customer service below. To whom it may concern, I have been a paid subscriber to Dropbox since 2010, and have loved every minute of your service since day 1....

2014-04-10 · 2 min · 239 words · Logan Marchione
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Dropping Dropbox

I dropped Dropbox! Well, not entirely. I’ve been a Dropbox user since Day 1. I remember when their service was first introduced. Cloud storage was just coming out and it was so convenient to be able to access your data anywhere. I quickly outgrew the 2GB free limit, earned a few extra GB through DropQuest, and then decided to start paying for their storage. For the past few years, I’ve been paying $99/yr for 100GB of space....

2014-03-26 · 2 min · 380 words · Logan Marchione
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