
I’m slowly transitioning all of my applications from a Docker Compose-based setup to running on Kubernetes (specifically, K3s). Part of the reason I love Kubernetes is the tooling around it.

I (try to) practice GitOps, so all of my Kubernetes configuration is in a public GitHub repo. I’m happily using GitHub Actions and Renovatebot for Continuous Integration (CI). For example, each PR has tests run on it, then if specific conditions are met, the PR is merged. For Continuous Delivery (CD) I’m using Flux, which runs in my K3s cluster and constantly tries to synchronize the current cluster state to the “golden” state of the cluster on GitHub. This way, every change made to the master branch will be rolled out via Flux automatically.

However, I still have some apps running on Docker Compose, and they might never make the transition to K3s (for one reason or another). I can still use tools for CI, but there are no real tools for CD when it comes to Docker Compose. When I merge PRs into master, I need to manually SSH into my Docker server, run git pull, then run docker compose up -d on each updated Compose file. This is a common complaint when searching online, and I found a whole article here about different solutions.

This post is my attempt at implementing CD for Docker Compose.

Pull vs push

As mentioned in this article, there are generally two ways to tackle this problem:

  • Pull-based approach
    • An agent runs as a container and constantly tries to synchronize the current cluster state to the “golden” state in git
    • This is how Argo and Flux work (but I’m not running in Kubernetes)
    • This is how Harbormaster and Watchtower work (more on that below)
  • Push-based approach
    • On each change to master, some process runs via CI pipeline that pushes the changes to the server
    • This is what I’m attempting

What about Harbormaster or Watchtower?

Both Harbormaster and Watchtower already do basically what I need. However, there were a couple reasons I didn’t want to use them:

  • I would have to setup/maintain another application
  • Both of these applications need access to the Docker socket (which I don’t like to give out)
  • How would I be notified of a failure to deploy new applications? (i.e., who watches the watchers?)
  • What kind of logs would these tools keep?
  • How long would the logs be kept?
  • Why use a preexisting solution when I can spend days over-engineering something? 🤷‍♂️

Push-based approach

My K3s stack runs at home, but the code is public, so I’m using GitHub as my git repository and GitHub Actions as my CI service.

My Docker Compose stack also runs at home, but the Compose files aren’t public (yet), so they’re hosted on my Gitea instance where my CI platform is Drone.

The basic idea is this:


  1. A PR is opened on Gitea (e.g., by Renovatebot to bump a Docker tag from 2.42.0 to 2.43.0)
  2. Drone runs a pipeline to automatically check specific things (e.g, linting, compatibility, etc…)
  3. Assuming the pipeline passed, I manually merge each PR in Gitea’s web interface


  1. When master is updated (from the PR merge), another Drone pipeline runs that SSHs from Drone into my Docker host and runs a shell script
  2. That shell script pulls the latest Compose files from git (e.g., git pull) then runs a for loop to run docker compose up -d on each Compose file
  • The shell script logs to standard out, which means that logs are stored in Drone
  • If the exit code isn’t 0, the Drone pipeline fails, which emails me


Steps 1-3 above were already in place, but steps 4-5 were the new steps I needed.

First, I had to create a drone user on my Docker host, give it permissions to run docker commands, then setup a SSH keypair. The public key would live on the Docker host, while the private key would live in Drone as a secret.

Next, I needed to create a Drone pipeline to SSH into my Docker host. Drone already has a SSH runner, but that’s another thing to install (in addition to the Docker runner), so I figured I could just use a small Docker container (e.g., Alpine) as my SSH client. In the pipeline below, I am doing the following on each push to master:

  • running Alpine
  • installing SSH
  • echoing the SSH private key from a Drone secret into a file
  • SSHing from Alpine into my Docker host, then running a shell script
kind: pipeline
type: docker
name: Deploy

    - master
    - push

  - name: Deploy
    image: alpine:3.17
        from_secret: drone_ssh_priv_key
      - apk add --no-cache --update openssh-client
      - mkdir -p ~/.ssh
      - echo "$drone_ssh_priv_key" > ~/.ssh/deploy_key
      - ssh-keyscan > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
      - chmod -R 700 ~/.ssh
      - chmod 600 ~/.ssh/deploy_key
      - ssh -i ~/.ssh/deploy_key -- "/path/to/compose_files/"

  - name: notify on failure
    image: drillster/drone-email
      port: 25
      from: "[Alert from Drone CI/CD]"
        - failure

Then, the actual contents of from the example above. It basically does the following:

  • change directory to the git repo containing all of the Compose files
  • run git pull
  • for each docker-compose.yml file, run docker compose pull and then docker compose up -d

# Be safe out there
set -e
set -u
set -o pipefail

# Set generic variables
hostname=$(uname -n)
datetime=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M)

# Update from git repo
printf "STATE: Updating the git repo...\n"
cd "$dir"
git pull

# Pull images
for D in "$dir"/*/docker-compose.yml
  printf "STATE: Pulling images for: $D\n"
  docker compose -f "$D" pull

# Redeploy
for D in "$dir"/*/docker-compose.yml
  printf "STATE: Redploying the compose file for: $D\n"
  docker compose -f "$D" up -d

exit 0

The only catch with this script is to be sure that the user running it (e.g., drone) has permissions to execute it.


I’ve been using this setup for about a month now and haven’t had any issues (so far). It very much mirrors my Kubernetes workflow (e.g., merge PRs from a web interface and the rest is automatic). It’s definitely a little hacked together, but it requires no additional tools that I’m not already using.
