
I recently started using Mend’s Renovate bot to keep my dependencies up-to-date on my GitHub projects. GitHub already has tool for this called Dependabot, but it only works with GitHub. Renovate is much more flexible, and it’s also open-source, so it can run on other Git platforms, like my self-hosted Gitea and Drone instance at home.

However, self-hosting Renovate is more difficult because the hosted version takes care of a lot of the “magic” for you, so it “just works”. These are my notes on getting Renovate working with a self-hosted instance of Gitea and Drone.

Self-hosting Renovate

As a user, there are two ways of running Renovate:

  1. someone else hosts Renovate and you install it for the repositories you choose (e.g., as a GitHub app)
    • you extend off the global configuration provided my Renovate by adding a per-repository configuration file (called renovate.json)
    • Renovate runs continuously in the background
  2. you host Renovate
    • you provide some infrastructure for Renovate to run on (e.g., by running a Docker image, using a GitHub Action, running a npm package, etc…)
    • you need to provide a global configuration file (called config.js)
    • you add a per-repository configuration file (called renovate.json)
    • Renovate needs to run on a schedule (e.g., on a cronjob)

In my case, I’m running Gitea and Drone at home, so I’m going to self-host Renovate and run the Renovate Docker image as a Drone step.

It’s important to note that there are two configuration files, but it’s recommended to keep as much configuration as possible in the per-repository files so that end users have the most flexibility and transparency.


GitHub steps

  1. Create a GitHub personal access token (PAT)
    • You need a GitHub PAT for getting release notes from to increase the hourly API limit
    • It can be for any account (e.g., your personal account)
    • It needs the public_repo permission, nothing else
    • Save this token somewhere

Gitea steps

Renovate user

  1. Create renovate user

    • Login as the Gitea admin user and create a user for Renovate, called renovate
  2. Create a personal access token (PAT) for the renovate user

    • Logout of the admin user
    • Login as the renovate user, go to Settings-->Applications-->Manage Access Tokens and click on Generate Token
    • Save this token somewhere
  3. Create repository for renovate

    • Create a new repository under the renovate user called renovate-config
    • Create a file called config.js (this contains global settings for your instance of Renovate)
    • Below is my config.js file (you’ll have to update the endpoint, gitAuthor, and the repositories section with the list of all Gitea repositories you want Renovate to run against)
    module.exports = {
      platform: 'gitea',
      endpoint: '',
      gitAuthor: 'Renovate Bot <>',
      username: 'renovate',
      autodiscover: true,
      onboardingConfig: {
        $schema: '',
        extends: ['config:base']
      optimizeForDisabled: true,
      persistRepoData: true,
      repositories: [
    • Create a file called .drone.yml (this is the file that will run on a schedule to actually run Renovate)
    • Below is my .drone.yml file
    kind: pipeline
    type: docker
    name: renovate
        - cron
        - push
        - custom
      LOG_LEVEL: debug
      - name: renovate - validate config
        image: renovate/renovate:33.2.0
          - renovate-config-validator
      - name: renovate
        image: renovate/renovate:33.2.0
          - renovate
            from_secret: RENOVATE_TOKEN
            from_secret: GITHUB_COM_TOKEN

Drone steps

  1. Login to Drone as the renovate user (you’ll have to authorize the application)

  2. Go to renovate-config-->Settings-->Secrets and click on New Secret

    • Add a secret called GITHUB_COM_TOKEN with the value of the GitHub PAT
    • Add a secret called RENOVATE_TOKEN with the value of the renovate user’s Gitea PAT
  3. Go to renovate-config-->Settings-->Cron Jobs and click on New Cron Job

    • Add an hourly cron job using @hourly
    • This is how to specify how often to run Renovate

More Gitea steps

Renovate comes with a built-in Docker Compose manager, so it can automatically find any compose files using the regex below.


Now we need a target repository we want to run Renovate against. This is the example repository I’m using, called logan/docker. It contains the following:

  • a directory for docker apps that I don’t use anymore (apps_old)
  • a directory for docker apps that I currently use (docker_app_host)
  • a .drone.yml file (used for linting my docker-compose.yml files)
  • a renovate.json file
├── apps_old
│   ├── app1
│   │   └── docker-compose.yml
│   ├── app2
│   │   └── docker-compose.yml
│   └── app3
│       └── docker-compose.yml
├── docker_app_host
│   ├── app1
│   │   └── docker-compose.yml
│   ├── app2
│   │   └── docker-compose.yml
│   └── app3
│       └── docker-compose.yml
├── .drone.yml
└── renovate.json

Just need to change a few settings:

  1. Add renovate collaborator to repository

    • In the target repository, go to Settings-->Collaborators and add the renovate user (this will allow renovate to open pull requests)
  2. Add renovate.json

    • Upon first run, Renovate will open a pull request with a basic renovate.json file, but I’ve provided an example below of mine (notice how I’m ignoring the path apps_old, you can leave that off if you don’t need it)
      "$schema": "",
      "extends": [
      "dependencyDashboard": true,
      "dependencyDashboardTitle": "Renovate Dashboard",
      "labels": ["renovatebot"],
      "docker-compose": {
        "ignorePaths": ["apps_old"]
      "hostRules": [
          "matchHost": "",
          "concurrentRequestLimit": 2

First run

Up until now, Renovate has probably been running as you’ve been making changes, but it has probably failed a few times due to missing keys or permissions.

Login to Drone as the renovate user and click on New Build in the top-right, and you should see Renovate run and (hopefully) succeed.

If not, the .drone.yml file I’ve provided above has LOG_LEVEL: debug set, which means you should be able to search in Drone’s run logs to find errors.

With the cronjob setup, Renovate will run on your schedule and open pull requests as it finds outdated dependencies.

Caveats of self-hosting

Continuous runs

As I mentioned at the beginning, when running Renovate as a GitHub app, it runs continuously in the background. Any time you make a change, Renovate sees it and runs automatically. However, when you self-host Renovate, you need to run Renovate on a schedule (which is why we setup a Drone cronjob).

Some features of Renovate, like the check boxes on the Dependency Dashboard, only apply when Renovate runs. For example, if you’re using the hosted Renovate GitHub app and click a checkbox on the Dependency Dashboard, Renovate will pickup that change almost immediately. However, if you’re self-hosting Renovate, the checkbox won’t do anything until Renovate runs (whether you run it manually in Drone or it runs via cron).


When self-hosting, you don’t want to run Renovate too often, as you’ll probably hit a rate limit from some service (GitHub, Docker Hub, etc…). In my case, I hit the Docker Hub rate limit pretty quickly by running builds every hour.

In November 2020, Docker introduced rate limiting to Docker Hub. It limits (by IP address) anonymous pulls to 100 per six hours, and authenticated pulls to 200 per six hours. I had 20+ docker-compose.yml files (each with multiple container images) in my initial Renovate pull request, and I kept hitting the error below.

"response": {
  "statusCode": 429,
  "statusMessage": "Too Many Requests",
  "body": "{\n  \"errors\": [\n    {\n      \"code\": \"TOOMANYREQUESTS\",\n      \"message\": \"You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the limit by authenticating and upgrading:\"\n    }\n  ]\n}\n",
  "headers": {
    "cache-control": "no-cache",
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "connection": "close"
  "httpVersion": "1.1",
  "retryCount": 2

If you hit the Docker Hub rate limit, these are your options:

  • Try to use some images from an alternative container registry (e.g., GHCR or
  • Create a Docker account and login (example config.js below)
    • A free Docker account will get you 200 pulls per six hours
    • A paid Docker account at $5/month will get you 5000 pulls per day
module.exports = {
  hostRules: [
      hostType: 'docker',
      username: '<your-username>',
      password: process.env.DOCKER_HUB_PASSWORD,
  "hostRules": [
      "matchHost": "",
      "concurrentRequestLimit": 2

Docker image size

The renovate/renovate Docker image is about 1.5GB in size (compressed). If you don’t pin to a specific tag (like 33.2.0), you’ll waste a lot of space downloading the latest tag over and over again.

There is a slim tag, but it only contains Node.js, so if you need anything else (Docker, Python, Java, etc…), it won’t work.

Use Renovate to update Renovate

Obviously, since we pinned the Renovate image to 33.2.0, we’ll need to also put a renovate.json file in our renovate/renovate-config Gitea repository to use Renovate to keep Renovate updated.



I’ve been using Renovate for about a week now and really like it. It’s obviously a much smoother experience running on GitHub than self-hosted, but it’s enough to really make a difference in my workflow already.

Also, I highly recommend checking out these article for more tips on getting Renovate setup:
