## Comments ### Comment by Dwayne on 2019-03-28 15:11:28 -0400 Hi Logan. I have a bash script that I want to set up cname records so that google searches are forced to use forcesafesearch.google.com. e.g. host-record=forcesafesearch.google.com, cname=www.google.com,forcesafesearch.google.com cname=google.com,forcesafesearch.google.com I’ll do this for all the google supported domains from https://www.google.com/supported_domains Is the above the correct format? I’ve saved the configuration file in the /etc/dnsmasq.d directory, is this the correct place? Cheers Dwayne ### Comment by Logan Marchione on 2019-03-31 20:29:07 -0400 The EdgeRouter wipes out EVERYTHING except `/config` upon a firmware update, so if you’re putting the DNS entries into `/etc/dnsmasq.d`, they will be wiped out upon a firmware update (unless your script recreates the entries after an upgrade). You should put the entries into your `/config/config.boot` file. ### Comment by Dwayne on 2019-04-02 03:00:51 -0400 Hi Logan managed to fix my issue. There was a stray host-record in /etc/dnsmasq.conf, once deleted my code ran correctly. ### Comment by Dwayne on 2019-04-02 03:05:21 -0400 Only just saqw your reply, thanks for your reply and letting me know what is preserved during the firmware update process. Losing scripts and debian packages with firmware updates is a bugbear of mine. So, so grateful for your comment. My script is in /config/scripts and it creates a file in /etc/dnsmasq.d/.