## Comments ### Comment by Anthony on 2017-12-05 12:51:33 -0500 Awesome! Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Ben Robeson on 2017-12-05 12:52:00 -0500 Hey! Very generous contest, thank you. I’ll make sure to dig through your blog some – I enjoy reading other’s tech adventures. ### Comment by Michae on 2017-12-05 12:53:31 -0500 Thank you so much for this awesome contest! ### Comment by Alex on 2017-12-05 12:56:45 -0500 Hope you get some extra traffic because of this contest – I know I’ll be perusing. Love finding a new blog! ### Comment by Eric Mesa on 2017-12-05 12:58:03 -0500 I’ll join in. From /r/selfhosted ### Comment by Tony on 2017-12-05 13:00:14 -0500 Cool contest! Fond you via /r/ubiquiti and am enjoying your writing. ### Comment by Sean on 2017-12-05 13:00:27 -0500 Great contest, thanks! ### Comment by Andrew Burgess on 2017-12-05 13:03:34 -0500 Thanks a bunch for this! I’m a university student and this sort of a thing is amazing! ### Comment by Mark on 2017-12-05 13:03:54 -0500 Pretty sweet! Even if I don’t win thanks for holding this. Congrats to the winners. ### Comment by Will F. on 2017-12-05 13:06:19 -0500 Hey I really like your blog and I think this is a great contest! Thanks! ### Comment by Paul S. on 2017-12-05 13:06:19 -0500 This is a great idea! Thanks for doing this. ### Comment by Brandon on 2017-12-05 13:07:06 -0500 Good luck everyone. Thanks for the chance ### Comment by Christopher Jenkins on 2017-12-05 13:07:48 -0500 Cheers! ### Comment by Joe on 2017-12-05 13:08:18 -0500 This is awesome! Very generous of you to do this! ### Comment by Pedro on 2017-12-05 13:08:34 -0500 That’s nice of you! ### Comment by Matt on 2017-12-05 13:08:42 -0500 Cool post! ### Comment by Raul on 2017-12-05 13:11:05 -0500 This is awesome, good luck everyone. ### Comment by Chris on 2017-12-05 13:11:24 -0500 Thanks for doing this! Great blog, keep up the great content! ### Comment by Jack K on 2017-12-05 13:11:33 -0500 Very cool. I’ve been wanting to get into Raspberry Pi, so this may be perfect ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Dan on 2017-12-05 13:13:24 -0500 Hey nice of you to give back. Reddit really is an amazing resource! ### Comment by dave on 2017-12-05 13:13:45 -0500 How generous of you and I like your blog ### Comment by K T on 2017-12-05 13:13:49 -0500 cool. coming from /r/ubiquiti ### Comment by Chris on 2017-12-05 13:13:53 -0500 Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Bryce Maruco on 2017-12-05 13:14:37 -0500 You are the bomb!! Thanks so much ### Comment by Carl P on 2017-12-05 13:14:42 -0500 Never used a Raspberry Pi before. Thanks for the sweepstakes! ### Comment by Dan Kulinski on 2017-12-05 13:15:38 -0500 Very generous of you. I’d love to work with the RPi3 kit, looks awesome! ### Comment by Rob on 2017-12-05 13:16:39 -0500 Very generous of you to give back to the community this way. Hopefully the Pi will inspire Windows folks to dabble into the Linux world. I’ve recently gotten into RPi myself and have Pi-Hole and Unifi Controller running on mine with some new projects I want to try. ### Comment by Bill N on 2017-12-05 13:17:14 -0500 Thanks for sharing your blog. ### Comment by Eric on 2017-12-05 13:17:53 -0500 Thank you! ### Comment by Jim on 2017-12-05 13:19:35 -0500 Great idea! Gratz to the winners. ### Comment by Nick on 2017-12-05 13:19:37 -0500 Thanks man! ### Comment by Wesley on 2017-12-05 13:19:52 -0500 Awesome of you to do this! Would love to win this! ### Comment by Brandon on 2017-12-05 13:20:40 -0500 Very generous of you! An extra Pi would be nice to setup a redundant Pihole. ### Comment by Tom on 2017-12-05 13:20:52 -0500 /r/selfhosted represent! ### Comment by Sharon on 2017-12-05 13:26:31 -0500 Appreciated! ### Comment by ric on 2017-12-05 13:29:51 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway! ### Comment by Michael Heinrich on 2017-12-05 13:31:13 -0500 Logan, Thank you sooo much for doing this! You are truly an inspiration! ### Comment by Will Page on 2017-12-05 13:31:49 -0500 You’re awesome! I didn’t know about your blog before, but looking through, I see some great material. Keep it up! ### Comment by michael on 2017-12-05 13:34:01 -0500 Great contest. Love your blog. ### Comment by Aaron K on 2017-12-05 13:35:30 -0500 Fingers Crossed ### Comment by Eric C on 2017-12-05 13:36:42 -0500 Neat! Consider me entered. ### Comment by Rob on 2017-12-05 13:37:44 -0500 pi ### Comment by Kaleb H on 2017-12-05 13:40:07 -0500 Not often do you see people giving back to the communities that help them. Good work sir! ### Comment by Chris L on 2017-12-05 13:40:19 -0500 Logan you truly are awesome for doing such a thing! VPN, Nextcloud & Pi Hole all seem like fun things I wouldn’t mind having. Only thing I have is virtual machines which I turn off if I ever need to do anything else on my computer so I can’t have services like that running. Well here goes nothing, representing from /r/homelab! \*crosses fingers\* ### Comment by Nick K on 2017-12-05 13:41:09 -0500 w00t! ๐Ÿ™‚ ### Comment by Nick on 2017-12-05 13:44:07 -0500 Sweet thanks, I have a perfect use. I’m a student so things like these cost quite a bit compared to what I make. ### Comment by alex on 2017-12-05 13:44:33 -0500 anything will do ### Comment by Chris Bergeron on 2017-12-05 13:45:05 -0500 Great contest idea and prize! I have a blog as well and this is a sure fire way to get more traffic. Thanks! ### Comment by Ashay on 2017-12-05 13:48:08 -0500 Awesome thought! Good way to give back to the community ### Comment by Alec on 2017-12-05 13:52:12 -0500 Thanks! Found you from /r/Linux and looking at setting up a NAS! ### Comment by Justin Hall on 2017-12-05 13:52:52 -0500 Thank you for giving back to the community! ### Comment by Randal on 2017-12-05 13:55:09 -0500 That’s a pretty great way to thank the community. count me as a follower! ### Comment by Terry on 2017-12-05 13:55:52 -0500 Congrats on the milestone! What a great way to give back to the community. ### Comment by Isaac on 2017-12-05 13:58:03 -0500 null ### Comment by Angel on 2017-12-05 13:58:05 -0500 Thanks for giving back to the community! ### Comment by Matt on 2017-12-05 13:58:21 -0500 Sounds awesome. ### Comment by Jason on 2017-12-05 13:58:46 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway. Congrats on the success. ### Comment by Chris Moran on 2017-12-05 13:59:22 -0500 Congrats! ### Comment by Brandon on 2017-12-05 13:59:49 -0500 Congrats! Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Robert on 2017-12-05 14:01:49 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway! ### Comment by Maxim Belkin on 2017-12-05 14:02:09 -0500 pie / pi = e ? (Wow, there is no raspberry symbol, @Apple!) ### Comment by Chad on 2017-12-05 14:02:11 -0500 This is awesome! You are awesome! ### Comment by Colin Tufts on 2017-12-05 14:03:03 -0500 Amazing that you’re giving back to the community. I hope to do something similar in the future! ### Comment by Jeffrey on 2017-12-05 14:03:34 -0500 I agree with you. There is so much great content on Reddit. ### Comment by Chad on 2017-12-05 14:06:39 -0500 Very cool. I’m just starting to get into your articles. ### Comment by Tom on 2017-12-05 14:06:39 -0500 ayy ### Comment by Zach on 2017-12-05 14:06:42 -0500 Thank you for doing this! I love Reddit and home labs and home automation. I would love to win a Raspberry Pi. ### Comment by Alex on 2017-12-05 14:07:56 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway! Hope I’m randomly selected. ### Comment by Mike on 2017-12-05 14:09:03 -0500 Thanks for the chance to win! ### Comment by Adam on 2017-12-05 14:10:31 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway! Awesome ### Comment by Brian on 2017-12-05 14:10:37 -0500 Thanks! From r/selfhosted ### Comment by prashant on 2017-12-05 14:11:02 -0500 Hey, nice way to pay it forward. I’ve been thinking about experimenting with PI from a long time, have an unraid box ### Comment by Graham Pocta on 2017-12-05 14:11:49 -0500 Thanks! ### Comment by Kevin on 2017-12-05 14:13:50 -0500 Nice blog ### Comment by Shawn on 2017-12-05 14:15:37 -0500 Thanks for the opportunity Logan. Saw your post on r/minipcs and came over to post. Again, thanks! ### Comment by Dan on 2017-12-05 14:16:54 -0500 Thanks so much! Came here from /r/selfhosted ### Comment by Justin on 2017-12-05 14:21:23 -0500 Wow, this is so cool! Glad the /r/ubiquiti community has helped you as much as they have me! ### Comment by Michael on 2017-12-05 14:21:29 -0500 This is awesome! I hope to see more like this from others in the future. I saw your post from /r/selfhosted. ### Comment by Shayne on 2017-12-05 14:21:54 -0500 Awesome! Thanks for doing this. I hope I’m one of the lucky people! ### Comment by Drew Glows on 2017-12-05 14:22:57 -0500 Just had a blast reading through your privacy policy. ### Comment by Allison on 2017-12-05 14:23:07 -0500 Thanks a lot, from /r/linuxmasterrace. I’ve always wanted to set up a pi-hole, seems like as good an excuse as any. ### Comment by Raj on 2017-12-05 14:23:35 -0500 This is a great way to give back to the community. I applaud your commitment to paying the knowledge further. Excellent job. ### Comment by Zach on 2017-12-05 14:24:55 -0500 Yay! from /r/selfhosted. Great to see other ambitious technology tinkerers! ### Comment by Tyler on 2017-12-05 14:25:51 -0500 I’ll join in on the fun. ### Comment by Lew on 2017-12-05 14:26:13 -0500 Sweet ### Comment by Remy on 2017-12-05 14:28:27 -0500 I was just looking at that particular kit recently for a couple projects I have in mind. ### Comment by Arthur on 2017-12-05 14:28:31 -0500 Excellent!!!!, Wish you the best. ### Comment by Geoff on 2017-12-05 14:29:31 -0500 Wheee! Would be awesome! ### Comment by Ty on 2017-12-05 14:32:47 -0500 Good luck all! ### Comment by Dan on 2017-12-05 14:33:21 -0500 You do some pretty good work here, keep it up! ### Comment by SuperSquash on 2017-12-05 14:34:10 -0500 Congrats and entered! ### Comment by AJ Pick on 2017-12-05 14:35:02 -0500 Found your blog via r/selfhosted. Will have to read more when I get some free time after the next week or 2. But youโ€™ve been bookmarked for sure. ### Comment by John on 2017-12-05 14:37:41 -0500 Memememe ### Comment by Nick on 2017-12-05 14:39:24 -0500 Thank you for doing this! I’ve got a Raspberry Pi Zero that I got from a friend that I’ve been using to test security cameras. I’d like to have a device that I can use as a VPN server, or possibly a Kodi device. ### Comment by Russell on 2017-12-05 14:39:53 -0500 Awesome giveaway! Thank you! ### Comment by Matt on 2017-12-05 14:42:38 -0500 Thank you for your support… ### Comment by AnonymousNobody on 2017-12-05 14:50:30 -0500 Thank you for doing this! I would LOVE to actually win something. ### Comment by George on 2017-12-05 14:52:45 -0500 great blog, glad i found it via reddit. good luck ### Comment by Jeremy on 2017-12-05 14:53:05 -0500 Please let me win I edited your comment to remove your email address (to prevent you getting spam from bots). I have your email in WordPress from when you left the comment. – Logan ### Comment by Ciro on 2017-12-05 14:54:56 -0500 This is pretty awesome of you. ### Comment by Jose on 2017-12-05 14:55:07 -0500 Awesome! Interested in creating a smart tv setup as well! ### Comment by michael on 2017-12-05 14:56:36 -0500 I hope i win ### Comment by Stone on 2017-12-05 14:57:51 -0500 Thank you for giving forward! I hope whoever wins has as more fun and less frustration than you had. ### Comment by Vk on 2017-12-05 15:02:38 -0500 This is really a good way to motivate. I would read your blog and book marking it right now ### Comment by Mike on 2017-12-05 15:04:50 -0500 Throwing my hat in the ring! ### Comment by Chase Jacobs on 2017-12-05 15:05:23 -0500 Thanks for the opportunity to win this! ### Comment by Nick Nau on 2017-12-05 15:08:48 -0500 Thanks! ### Comment by Zach Fard on 2017-12-05 15:14:37 -0500 This is really cool, I have been wanting to mess with a pi for a while. Hope I win. ### Comment by Aaron on 2017-12-05 15:18:29 -0500 Nice ### Comment by Kevin on 2017-12-05 15:23:13 -0500 Oh boy, I hope I win. I’ve been eyeing up one of these kits for a while, I guess it will be I win one or buy myself one for Christmas. ### Comment by Mirza Karic on 2017-12-05 15:23:34 -0500 Gr8 way to get users, I hope it turns out good for you and that much people remain. Hoping to win, though there are a lot of users. ๐Ÿ˜€ ### Comment by Avi on 2017-12-05 15:25:13 -0500 Congrats! Here’s to the next 1000! ### Comment by Chris Knudsen on 2017-12-05 15:26:15 -0500 Awesome!! Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by - on 2017-12-05 15:27:54 -0500 Please tell me you would write the year in the beginning of the date, that is 2017/12/5. ### Comment by Francis on 2017-12-05 15:37:20 -0500 Coming from r/Ubiquiti. Thanks a lot for this! ### Comment by Quantumcross on 2017-12-05 15:38:52 -0500 Sounds awesome, count me in! ### Comment by James Spencer on 2017-12-05 15:40:35 -0500 Mighty generous ### Comment by Cameron on 2017-12-05 15:44:44 -0500 Wowzerz! ### Comment by Matthew on 2017-12-05 15:50:31 -0500 This is awesome, I was looking to get a raspberry pi! ### Comment by Matthew on 2017-12-05 15:51:19 -0500 Awesome! ### Comment by Lou on 2017-12-05 15:51:42 -0500 Neat! Thanks for the contest, and glad r/selfhosted could be of much help! ### Comment by Eric on 2017-12-05 15:55:22 -0500 saw this on /r/selfhosted ! Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Jeff on 2017-12-05 15:56:01 -0500 1000 comments! That’s quiet a milestone! ### Comment by Aaron Schnabel on 2017-12-05 15:58:55 -0500 Hey, this is pretty sweet of you to do. Thanks for wanting to give back! ### Comment by Colin Dean on 2017-12-05 15:59:15 -0500 If I win, I’ll donate it to Meta Mesh Wireless Communities ( https://www.metamesh.org ) which is the non-profit organization behind PittMesh ( http://www.pittmesh.net ). MMWC uses a lot of Ubiquiti equipment in addition to its own rebranded stuff and it’s been working on designing a Pi cluster to offer a variety of services on the mesh network. ### Comment by Clint on 2017-12-05 15:59:28 -0500 Congrats on the milestone ### Comment by Steve on 2017-12-05 15:59:34 -0500 From /r/Ubiquiti/ ### Comment by Denis on 2017-12-05 16:00:06 -0500 thank you! ### Comment by BobTheAvenger on 2017-12-05 16:00:27 -0500 Thanks for doing this. Best of luck to everyone! ### Comment by Tu on 2017-12-05 16:03:19 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway! ### Comment by Bryce on 2017-12-05 16:05:13 -0500 Very cool of you! Congrats on the milestone. ### Comment by Lance on 2017-12-05 16:11:36 -0500 Merry Christmas to some lucky person! Hope itโ€™s me! ### Comment by Jared Marcuccilli on 2017-12-05 16:18:34 -0500 Merry Christmas everyone! ### Comment by Martin on 2017-12-05 16:19:38 -0500 Merry Christmas!! ### Comment by Jay Evans on 2017-12-05 16:21:42 -0500 Very cool of you! Thank you ### Comment by Michael Talbot on 2017-12-05 16:27:05 -0500 Happy holidays! ### Comment by Mikey V on 2017-12-05 16:29:28 -0500 Count me in! ### Comment by Matt on 2017-12-05 16:31:42 -0500 This is very generous of you and would be a great way for someone (maybe me ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) to better explore RPi’s. Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Javier on 2017-12-05 16:41:24 -0500 Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Justin on 2017-12-05 16:42:10 -0500 ๐Ÿ™‚ ### Comment by Andy Gregory on 2017-12-05 16:42:42 -0500 This is very nice of you to do. Thanks! ### Comment by Jeffrey lowder on 2017-12-05 16:45:37 -0500 Thanks for doing this ans supporting the linux community ### Comment by Chris on 2017-12-05 16:47:17 -0500 Awesome!! Cool Blog. ### Comment by Jim O'Connell on 2017-12-05 16:52:45 -0500 If chosen, this Pi will go to one of my students. ๐Ÿ™‚ From /r/selfhosted ### Comment by Alan on 2017-12-05 16:53:11 -0500 Thanks! ### Comment by Michael on 2017-12-05 16:54:22 -0500 Nice blog, came for a free pi, then ended up perusing bit! ### Comment by Juan Carlos Garcia Ramirez on 2017-12-05 16:57:29 -0500 That is very nice from you friend. ### Comment by Guy Zavodny on 2017-12-05 16:57:49 -0500 Thanks ! ### Comment by Kyle on 2017-12-05 16:58:02 -0500 Thanks! From /r/selfhosted ### Comment by lp on 2017-12-05 17:03:57 -0500 raspi’re nice. ### Comment by Josh on 2017-12-05 17:06:54 -0500 Thanks man! ### Comment by Rob L. on 2017-12-05 17:08:20 -0500 RPi’s are becoming ubiquitous and that’s awesome, I love it! Thanks for doing a giveaway ### Comment by Rintaro on 2017-12-05 17:12:09 -0500 Thanks for doing this! I plan on using the RPi for retropie ๐Ÿ™‚ ### Comment by Cory on 2017-12-05 17:18:18 -0500 That’s awfully kind of you. I’m about to order a pi kit to get a friend hooked. ### Comment by Chandler Swift on 2017-12-05 17:18:48 -0500 Thanks! ### Comment by Erick on 2017-12-05 17:23:02 -0500 Hey! Always wanted a rpi. Count me in. From /r/selfhosted ### Comment by Brandon Hartshorn on 2017-12-05 17:23:43 -0500 I love my original Pi B+, but it’s soo slow! I would love a Pi 3. Thanks for the giveaway! ### Comment by Orion on 2017-12-05 17:25:38 -0500 So cool! ### Comment by Jason on 2017-12-05 17:28:46 -0500 Thanks for paying it forward ### Comment by Mike V. on 2017-12-05 17:29:19 -0500 Saw your post on /r/linux. Thanks for running this contest^H^H^H^H^H^H^H sweepstakes. Now I’m off to see what else is on your blog. ### Comment by Ethan on 2017-12-05 17:30:17 -0500 I love the giving-back spirit here. Reddit has been a great source of information for me as well. Thank you for doing this! ### Comment by Mehul Rao on 2017-12-05 17:30:32 -0500 Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by ian on 2017-12-05 17:31:53 -0500 This is awesome ### Comment by John on 2017-12-05 17:35:56 -0500 Thanks for running this cool contest! ### Comment by HZ on 2017-12-05 17:36:39 -0500 I have no idea what I would use this for… which is exactly why I want it. ### Comment by Ryan on 2017-12-05 17:39:10 -0500 You rock! ### Comment by Dave on 2017-12-05 17:40:11 -0500 Wonderful of you to do this! ### Comment by Eric Haskett on 2017-12-05 17:41:59 -0500 I’m interested to know how many comments you’ll have added by the end of this! Thanks! Eric ### Comment by Greg on 2017-12-05 17:44:16 -0500 Wow, very generous. Thanks. ### Comment by Patrick on 2017-12-05 17:45:11 -0500 Very generous ### Comment by Noah H on 2017-12-05 17:54:47 -0500 Extremely generous of you mate, good on yah for helping foster creativity on people. ### Comment by Joshua Doolittle on 2017-12-05 17:57:38 -0500 Cheers to lady luck and her dice of chance ### Comment by Eric on 2017-12-05 17:58:35 -0500 In for a pi3, thanks for this! ### Comment by Noah on 2017-12-05 18:00:17 -0500 Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Anthony on 2017-12-05 18:03:42 -0500 Awesome! Thank you for doing this! Saw this on /r/Ubiquiti. It’s very nice of you! ### Comment by Nick on 2017-12-05 18:05:12 -0500 Came across you on r/Ubiquiti. Thanks for the content! ### Comment by Dmitrii on 2017-12-05 18:06:26 -0500 Goob timing, I need an RPi for my research project. ### Comment by Ben heffron on 2017-12-05 18:06:30 -0500 This is really awesome of you. Went through your other posts- youโ€™re really awesome. ### Comment by James B on 2017-12-05 18:11:58 -0500 Congratulations on the 1000 comments! ### Comment by Jeff Kinslow on 2017-12-05 18:12:02 -0500 This is awesome, thanks for doing this! Iโ€™ve always wanted to tinker with one but never got around to buying one. ### Comment by Ryan F on 2017-12-05 18:14:56 -0500 Awesome giveaway! Iโ€™m going to read all your other posts now ๐Ÿ™‚ From /r/selfhosted ### Comment by Brad on 2017-12-05 18:20:03 -0500 Awesome! Thanks for doing this. ### Comment by Marc DeP on 2017-12-05 18:21:45 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway! The /r/selfhosted community is the best! ### Comment by Arn on 2017-12-05 18:21:48 -0500 Very cool. Congrats on all the comments. ### Comment by Christopher on 2017-12-05 18:25:40 -0500 Well done on the blog and I’m throwing my hat in to the ring. ### Comment by Dakota on 2017-12-05 18:39:18 -0500 This is very cool of you! I’m here from r/linuxmasterrace. ### Comment by sam on 2017-12-05 18:41:29 -0500 Always good to have more pi this time of year! What commenting system are you using here? ### Comment by naw_mines_clarence on 2017-12-05 18:48:45 -0500 Saw your post on /r/ubiquiti. What youโ€™re doing here is pretty cool. ### Comment by Logan Marchione on 2017-12-05 18:49:00 -0500 This is just the standard WordPress commenting system. ### Comment by Brian on 2017-12-05 18:50:01 -0500 Very kind of you. I just learned about your blog from r/selfhosted. I’ll subscribe. ### Comment by Jacob on 2017-12-05 18:50:45 -0500 Whether I win or not, I’ll be coming back as this seems pretty Cool. ### Comment by Ryan W on 2017-12-05 18:51:13 -0500 Another redditor here. Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Ralf on 2017-12-05 18:52:31 -0500 Thanks! I’ll start reading your blog from now on. ### Comment by Sam Q on 2017-12-05 18:53:48 -0500 This is awesome, thank you! From r/Ubiquiti ### Comment by Vincent Sprague on 2017-12-05 18:55:17 -0500 Great blog, r/selfhosted is my jam ### Comment by Matthew Paulsen on 2017-12-05 18:56:08 -0500 incoming from /r/ubiquiti ### Comment by Lee Arter on 2017-12-05 18:58:21 -0500 Very cool idea. Congrats on your increasing blog traffic! ### Comment by Faraz on 2017-12-05 19:04:47 -0500 Found you via /r/selfhosted Youโ€™re awesome! ### Comment by jc96 on 2017-12-05 19:07:05 -0500 Thanks! ### Comment by Matt on 2017-12-05 19:07:32 -0500 Congratulations on the milestone! Love the articles. ### Comment by Lennard on 2017-12-05 19:08:50 -0500 Well, here’s my entry. Thanks. ### Comment by Ahave on 2017-12-05 19:08:55 -0500 Very cool, thank you. ### Comment by Wade on 2017-12-05 19:12:31 -0500 Wow, very cool of you. ### Comment by Pearson on 2017-12-05 19:16:22 -0500 Here goes nothing. ### Comment by Jonnas on 2017-12-05 19:17:16 -0500 I love BSD. ### Comment by Jared on 2017-12-05 19:33:51 -0500 Awesome, looks like your blog is exploding. I’m reading through your older posts now. ### Comment by Nathan on 2017-12-05 19:34:33 -0500 Mmmm, pi ### Comment by davebrown on 2017-12-05 19:44:11 -0500 Whoa! Awesome idea and you have a really nice website! My grandsons love my RPI and I’m sure they would like having their own little computer. Have a great day. ๐Ÿ™‚ ### Comment by Damon on 2017-12-05 19:47:12 -0500 Very very cool of you! ### Comment by Warren on 2017-12-05 19:47:27 -0500 This is super cool of you ๐Ÿ™‚ ### Comment by John on 2017-12-05 19:48:05 -0500 Hey thanks! ### Comment by Rotll on 2017-12-05 19:51:43 -0500 Great Giveaway! Thanks for helping out. ### Comment by Tim on 2017-12-05 19:52:11 -0500 You’re a super cool guy! ### Comment by Evan on 2017-12-05 19:55:05 -0500 Thanks, you’re awesome for doing this! ### Comment by Marcus on 2017-12-05 20:03:18 -0500 Keep up the good work! ### Comment by Micholas Rivera on 2017-12-05 20:16:33 -0500 A raspberry pi would be so useful about now! I must admit it took me some time to find the comment box, I was expecting it to be near the top… Cheers to 1216ish comments as of writing this! ### Comment by Rhett on 2017-12-05 20:17:13 -0500 Thank you for the contest, and giving back to the community! ### Comment by Cody Warmbo on 2017-12-05 20:26:48 -0500 Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Matt Fitzgerald on 2017-12-05 20:31:36 -0500 This is awesome! Thank you! ### Comment by Rodrigo on 2017-12-05 20:32:56 -0500 I’m coming from /r/linux. Thank you so much for doing this! ๐Ÿ™‚ ### Comment by Jack Mccliney on 2017-12-05 20:42:27 -0500 Coming in from /r/ubiquiti . Thanks so much! ### Comment by Peter on 2017-12-05 20:43:45 -0500 Thanks for the guides and the giveaways! Coming from /r/ubiquiti ### Comment by Jack Henderson on 2017-12-05 20:45:14 -0500 Thanks so much for running this drawing! I’ve got my fingers crossed… ### Comment by Clay on 2017-12-05 20:45:18 -0500 Thanks for all your contributions to the community! ### Comment by Justin Winokur on 2017-12-05 20:46:38 -0500 Nice. I am going to check out your blog now ### Comment by Tristan Hils on 2017-12-05 20:46:47 -0500 Much love from r/selfhosted ! ### Comment by Mac on 2017-12-05 20:47:31 -0500 Nice giveaway! ### Comment by Juan A. on 2017-12-05 20:48:59 -0500 I would’ve entered to thank you for your generosity but it seems like a lot of people already did. ### Comment by Kevin Nguyen on 2017-12-05 20:49:27 -0500 Merry Christmas! ### Comment by Philip on 2017-12-05 21:14:50 -0500 Great idea! ### Comment by Jacob on 2017-12-05 21:19:23 -0500 Awesome contest! Fingers crossed for that sweet raspberry pi ### Comment by Jerry Salisbury on 2017-12-05 21:20:39 -0500 First time visitor here! This is a very cool thing you are doing regardless of who wins…you definitely have a new reader. ### Comment by Ricky Davis on 2017-12-05 21:20:50 -0500 Here’s hoping! Thanks! ### Comment by ThatOneRoadie on 2017-12-05 21:21:42 -0500 “Long time lurker, first time caller”, and thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Robert on 2017-12-05 21:22:21 -0500 You are awesome for doing this! ### Comment by Sion on 2017-12-05 21:33:02 -0500 Just found the blog but it definitely looks like it warrants a further read! ### Comment by Brad Bowers on 2017-12-05 21:41:39 -0500 Awesome, thanks! ### Comment by Burleigh on 2017-12-05 21:42:13 -0500 I’ll admit. I came from Reddit, but it looks like I’ll be reading a new blog. Cheers to the winner! ### Comment by Khaled on 2017-12-05 21:42:42 -0500 Thanks! I’ve been looking for another Pi to run Home Assistant ### Comment by Jason on 2017-12-05 21:52:34 -0500 Y u no give me Pi? ### Comment by James on 2017-12-05 21:52:41 -0500 Hello i am currently in U.S and would like to enter Thank You Again for this good luck to who ever wins ### Comment by Harry P. Nyce on 2017-12-05 22:01:20 -0500 Yer nice! ### Comment by Tim on 2017-12-05 22:02:12 -0500 Great idea! I came from the Ubiquiti group on Reddit. ### Comment by Jared on 2017-12-05 22:03:33 -0500 In! Thanks for this ### Comment by Jon on 2017-12-05 22:04:46 -0500 Oh cool, thanks for continuing to be great! ### Comment by Kevin Phoenix on 2017-12-05 22:05:40 -0500 At this rate you’ll probably hit the next 1000. ### Comment by Elfalem on 2017-12-05 22:13:20 -0500 Great contest. Would appreciate a Pi. ### Comment by Lora on 2017-12-05 22:13:21 -0500 Thanks for giving back, and congratulations on your success! ### Comment by Jim Venhuizen on 2017-12-05 22:20:26 -0500 I ate marshmallows for breakfast while dreaming of pies made from raspberries. But seriously, thanks! ### Comment by Grant Bierman on 2017-12-05 22:22:00 -0500 Very kind of you to do this contest. ### Comment by Colin on 2017-12-05 22:24:23 -0500 Good luck everyone ๐Ÿ™‚ ### Comment by Joshua on 2017-12-05 22:28:56 -0500 Would love to run a cryptocurrency node using this! ### Comment by J Gonzalez on 2017-12-05 22:29:05 -0500 Thatโ€™s awesome. Thanks for doing this, I would love to enter ### Comment by Phi on 2017-12-05 22:34:53 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway! ### Comment by Derek on 2017-12-05 22:36:24 -0500 You sir…. are very generous. Good luck to all! ### Comment by Jesse on 2017-12-05 22:50:46 -0500 Cool. Cool. ### Comment by Patric on 2017-12-05 22:55:57 -0500 I’ve been wanting to fiddle around with a Raspberry Pi for a while now, they look like good fun! Thanks for the opportunity and good luck with your blog! ### Comment by Luis on 2017-12-05 23:10:51 -0500 Thank you very much for the give away ๐Ÿ™‚ ### Comment by Omri Mor on 2017-12-05 23:12:57 -0500 I got here via the Reddit postโ€”congrats on the 1000 comments! I’ll be sure to take a look through your previous blog posts! I recently got a AIY Voice Kit, but don’t have hardware to use it with. I have one of the original Raspberry Pis (revision code 0002) and a MIPS Creator CI20, but both only have 26 GPIO pins and are thus not compatible with the Pi HATs (which require 40 pins). I’ve been planning on working on it during winterโ€”a new Raspberry Pi would certainly help with that! ### Comment by Benjamin on 2017-12-05 23:14:48 -0500 Really awesome of you! ### Comment by Jacob on 2017-12-05 23:14:52 -0500 Man, I’ve always wanted to tinker with one of these! Best of luck to everyone! ### Comment by Tim S on 2017-12-05 23:16:08 -0500 Very nice! Would be a great addition for network services. ### Comment by Jorge on 2017-12-05 23:16:25 -0500 Here to 1000 more and congratulations! ### Comment by Jeffrey on 2017-12-05 23:19:53 -0500 I’m looking at building out an amateur radio SDR reciever and a Pi 3 would be perfect! ### Comment by Phillip on 2017-12-05 23:25:29 -0500 Read through and I’m really intrigued. Thank you for the blog! ### Comment by Daniel M on 2017-12-05 23:26:16 -0500 I was just looking to pick another one of these up for a Plex client, good timing! ### Comment by Hunter A on 2017-12-05 23:28:08 -0500 Exciting times! Here’s to 1000 more! ### Comment by Matt on 2017-12-05 23:37:59 -0500 Thanks for sharing. Linux playground here I come!! ### Comment by Brendan on 2017-12-05 23:43:04 -0500 What an awesome way to celebrate a great achievement. Thanks for the opportunity, and good luck everyone! ### Comment by Nick O on 2017-12-05 23:44:04 -0500 /r/Ubiquiti represent! Cool of you to do this! ### Comment by Derek on 2017-12-05 23:48:05 -0500 This is my comment for entering. Thanks for hosting this! If I win, I’m not sure what I would do. Probably try and setup a Plex or emby server finally. ### Comment by Dickie on 2017-12-05 23:48:56 -0500 Lurker from /r/ubiquiti represent – kudos to you ### Comment by Walter on 2017-12-05 23:52:26 -0500 Coming to you from /r/selfhosted. My journey has been from shared hosting to VPSs, from opens to kvm and then docker. I’ve been eyeing the Pi line… Maybe I’ll be chosen! ### Comment by Max on 2017-12-05 23:55:39 -0500 Thanks! ### Comment by Bryan on 2017-12-05 23:57:42 -0500 Thanks from /r/selfhosted!! ### Comment by Andy on 2017-12-06 00:05:20 -0500 Thank you for doing this1 ### Comment by Jared on 2017-12-06 00:14:42 -0500 Worth a shot. ### Comment by Pessimistic Mango on 2017-12-06 00:15:48 -0500 Welp, here goes nothing. ### Comment by AJ on 2017-12-06 00:16:47 -0500 This is very generous of you, Thanks good luck with your blog. ### Comment by Dylan on 2017-12-06 00:34:48 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway ### Comment by Noah on 2017-12-06 00:43:31 -0500 Thanks! This is awesome. ### Comment by Cliff Gindulis on 2017-12-06 00:52:56 -0500 Mmmm, I need one of these for a project I’m working on for my weather station! ### Comment by Robert on 2017-12-06 00:55:46 -0500 Thanks for doing this, hope I win! ### Comment by Bob Dole on 2017-12-06 01:01:38 -0500 Interesting. ### Comment by Fatih Suzer on 2017-12-06 01:06:15 -0500 Thanks ### Comment by Swatlord on 2017-12-06 01:07:50 -0500 Entering from /r/selfhosted! ### Comment by Mike M on 2017-12-06 01:09:41 -0500 Awesome! The Raspberry Pi has endless possibilities! ### Comment by Alex on 2017-12-06 01:11:00 -0500 Saw this on reddit’s r/selfhosted, great idea! ### Comment by Taylor Jones on 2017-12-06 01:21:11 -0500 Generous contest. Thanks for doing this. ### Comment by Dan McG on 2017-12-06 01:51:37 -0500 This would be a killer start to make a retropi with my son! Thanks for doing this and congrats! ### Comment by Alex Stone on 2017-12-06 01:52:24 -0500 This could be fun! ### Comment by Joe on 2017-12-06 01:55:51 -0500 Thank you for doing this, been checking out the blog. ### Comment by Jake on 2017-12-06 02:10:38 -0500 Awesome giveaway! Definitely going to check out the rest of the blog. ### Comment by Dan on 2017-12-06 02:27:00 -0500 Here goes nothin’! ### Comment by Cory on 2017-12-06 02:33:57 -0500 I like Pi ### Comment by Kirby on 2017-12-06 03:49:51 -0500 Very nice gesture! Christmas Pi! ### Comment by Henry Glendening on 2017-12-06 03:52:32 -0500 Congratulations and thank you for running a generous giveaway! Happy for ya ### Comment by Terry on 2017-12-06 04:12:54 -0500 It’s always nice to see someone fibbing back to the communities that have supported them! ### Comment by Terry on 2017-12-06 04:13:48 -0500 Giving ๐Ÿ™ autocorrect ### Comment by Jeremiah clevenger on 2017-12-06 04:25:51 -0500 This is really amazing! Love to see the communities continue to grow and give back on reddit. Thank you! ### Comment by Lee Warnock on 2017-12-06 05:46:41 -0500 Ayyy thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Liz on 2017-12-06 06:10:10 -0500 It’s great to see someone giving back, and the content on your blog is really useful. ### Comment by Alpha on 2017-12-06 06:47:10 -0500 Another comment passing through!! ### Comment by Mario on 2017-12-06 07:15:58 -0500 Thanks for giving back to the community. ### Comment by Jeff Bennett on 2017-12-06 07:47:36 -0500 Been wanting to add another rpi to my collection! Thanks! ### Comment by Bob on 2017-12-06 08:01:04 -0500 Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Tracy on 2017-12-06 08:05:50 -0500 Wow thanks for doing this ๐Ÿ˜€ ### Comment by Jay on 2017-12-06 08:18:55 -0500 Nice giveaway! Thanks! GL everyone! ### Comment by James on 2017-12-06 08:20:13 -0500 Pay it forward ### Comment by Brian Haskell on 2017-12-06 08:21:20 -0500 Thanks for doing this giveaway! -Brian ### Comment by Jarek on 2017-12-06 08:25:41 -0500 RBP security camera here I come ### Comment by Bobby on 2017-12-06 08:27:40 -0500 Greetings from /r/Ubiquiti! Good idea on the Rpis. I’m giving several as Christmas gifts this year. ### Comment by john b on 2017-12-06 08:40:07 -0500 This is a great way to give back to the community. Great idea and thank you for doing this. ### Comment by Nick R on 2017-12-06 08:52:12 -0500 Very cool! I’m glad the open source, gnu/linux, and other communities have been so helpful. Always nice to see good things in these communities. Thanks for the giveaway! Best of luck to the other commentors. ### Comment by Gino on 2017-12-06 09:03:28 -0500 This is awesome! ### Comment by Jason on 2017-12-06 09:12:04 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway! ### Comment by Greg on 2017-12-06 09:19:45 -0500 Hello World! ### Comment by Cory on 2017-12-06 09:40:27 -0500 You are a kind person, thanks for the chance. ### Comment by Garret King on 2017-12-06 09:47:18 -0500 Great idea! I love my pi zero and I use it as a portable NAS. learned so much from my pi and it’s inspired me to install Linux on my main machine ### Comment by Micah Conrad on 2017-12-06 10:02:32 -0500 Thanks! ### Comment by Sparks60 on 2017-12-06 10:12:55 -0500 Hey nice of you to give back. Reddit/r/Ubiquiti/ really is an Great place for info ### Comment by Mike McLaughlin on 2017-12-06 10:25:54 -0500 Awesome thing to do- good on you. Linked from r/Ubiquiti ### Comment by Cinghialino on 2017-12-06 10:30:53 -0500 This is very good! thank you for doing this! ### Comment by Melk on 2017-12-06 10:34:44 -0500 Cool. Thanks for the chance. ### Comment by Chad on 2017-12-06 10:36:04 -0500 Found this on homelab. Good luck to me. Would like it for my son. ### Comment by Roehl on 2017-12-06 10:46:10 -0500 Thanks so much for this! ### Comment by Farhan on 2017-12-06 12:24:36 -0500 Always loved the content on the site. And this humble user could use a rPI3. ๐Ÿ™‚ ### Comment by John on 2017-12-06 13:55:53 -0500 Thanks so much for your blog posts. And this giveaway. ### Comment by Brandon on 2017-12-06 14:16:14 -0500 Keep up the good work! Thank you for the giveaway. ### Comment by Billy Yancey on 2017-12-06 15:51:34 -0500 Thanks for doing this. Good luck to everyone trying. ### Comment by Ira on 2017-12-06 15:54:30 -0500 Very nice of you to host such a generous giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. ### Comment by John Wells on 2017-12-06 17:06:00 -0500 Givers are the greatest! Thanks for doing this! ### Comment by Daniel on 2017-12-06 17:06:18 -0500 Hello fellow redditor! Super cool idea! ### Comment by Robert Nelson on 2017-12-06 17:10:37 -0500 This is a great idea, thanks for giving back to the community! I’m excited to see the results– I’ve been eyeing a Raspberry Pi for a while, I have some projects I’d love to toy around with. ### Comment by Aaron on 2017-12-06 17:17:58 -0500 What about Canadian’s by birth, American by shipping address? ### Comment by Zach Schultz on 2017-12-06 20:14:25 -0500 Great idea! ### Comment by Rahul on 2017-12-06 20:41:14 -0500 Nice! Looking forward to building a Pi 3 NAS ๐Ÿ™‚ ### Comment by Vinicius on 2017-12-06 21:41:51 -0500 Thank you for the giveaway! ### Comment by Logan Marchione on 2017-12-06 21:50:11 -0500 That works! ### Comment by David on 2017-12-06 22:09:07 -0500 Entering this. Thanks! ### Comment by Joshua on 2017-12-06 23:07:58 -0500 lol awesome, appreciate it ๐Ÿ™‚ ### Comment by I on 2017-12-06 23:20:59 -0500 interesting ### Comment by Anh on 2017-12-07 01:45:34 -0500 /r/selfhosted brought me here, thank you. ### Comment by Tim on 2017-12-07 05:26:04 -0500 No way! Awesome, I’m in! ### Comment by Bobby Quine on 2017-12-07 05:35:32 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway! Here’s my entry. ### Comment by David on 2017-12-07 05:55:17 -0500 Good luck to everyone ### Comment by Brian on 2017-12-07 08:33:13 -0500 Saw this on /r/selfhosted. Thanks for the contest! ### Comment by Harris on 2017-12-07 09:32:09 -0500 Could use a Pi3 for school projects. ### Comment by Matthew on 2017-12-07 09:40:29 -0500 This would be awesome for some projects I have in mind! Good luck everyone! ### Comment by Jeremy R on 2017-12-07 11:23:09 -0500 I dont see my comment anymore ### Comment by Logan Marchione on 2017-12-07 11:39:06 -0500 It’s still there. https://loganmarchione.com/2017/12/celebrating-1000-comments-giving-away-raspberry-pi-3/#comment-151605 ### Comment by kruug on 2017-12-07 12:30:28 -0500 RPi3 would be amazing! ### Comment by Dan on 2017-12-07 13:18:56 -0500 Amazing! Thanks so much! ### Comment by Adam on 2017-12-07 14:22:41 -0500 Thanks for the contest! Good luck everyone ### Comment by Brian on 2017-12-07 16:51:02 -0500 Very nice of you to do the contest. Good luck to you. ### Comment by Benjamin on 2017-12-07 17:29:52 -0500 Thanks! ### Comment by Jim Cole on 2017-12-07 18:54:54 -0500 This is very nice of you. Thanks for the chance! ### Comment by Nick Sica on 2017-12-07 19:14:03 -0500 Thanks for the giveaway! ### Comment by Dan Texter on 2017-12-07 21:22:17 -0500 Thanks for thinking of us! ### Comment by Pete S on 2017-12-07 23:18:12 -0500 Wow! Cool giveaway! I hope I am a lucky winner, but regardless, very awesome of you to do this for your readers! More importantly, hopefully you will see this comment (in the sea of others) because I want to say “THANK YOU!” I really appreciate your blog – I have read and posted here and I include links to your articles in threads on the LEDE and UBNT forums when I see issues that may be answered in your posts. Personally, this blog has been invaluable for VPN stuff (I have a LEDE based OpenVPN server as well as LEDE based MR3020 and WR902AC portable routers to connect back) and also for the ubnt related articles (especially the unifi controller on RPi – I used that to help get a Beaglebone Black up and running as my controller). Thanks again for all you do!! ### Comment by William H on 2017-12-08 06:07:07 -0500 Just found your blog on reddit through this giveaway. I will defiantly be reading from now on, great content! ### Comment by Logan Marchione on 2017-12-08 10:12:36 -0500 Hi Pete! Glad to hear from you and thanks for the kind words. Also glad to hear your routers are still working out. I still have yet to try LEDE, I really should pick it back up again. ### Comment by Anthony S on 2017-12-08 11:56:30 -0500 You rock, thanks for all your time and effort.